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Pisces New Moon 2023 Horoscopes

Updated: Apr 2, 2023

February 19th, 2023 // 1 degree Pisces

Horoscope chart for the Pisces New Moon set over a photo of a purple and black, starry night sky.


Pisces is the sign of the dreamer, the idealist, the blender and the connector. Ruled by Jupiter in Aries, this New Moon encourages us to allow optimism and possibility to direct us, and reminds us that we have to believe in ourselves and our dreams if we want to see them come true. While this is the last Pisces lunation separated from Saturn by sign, that doesn’t mean you don’t need to keep both feet on solid ground. In just a few weeks, the planet of boundaries and restrictions will be inspecting the viability of the seeds you plant during this lunation, so coming up with a plan grounded in reality will be important to keep in mind. Before moving to join Jupiter in Aries, Venus makes a sextile to Pluto which may help empower you and add depth to your connections.


With Jupiter, and now Venus entering your sign, you’ve probably been especially active in pursuing your goals and expanding your horizons lately. There’s something happening in the dark though - ideas brewing in your subconscious, or maybe creative pursuits that aren’t ready for the eyes of others just yet. There’s something special and exciting about having something all to yourself while it’s still in a phase of development.

What do you daydream about doing in the future?

How do you use your alone time to explore your mind and ideas?


You’re ultimately the only one who can make your wildest dreams come true, which requires a large amount of optimism. Your brand of optimism isn’t the unrealistic or risky kind, but the type that moves at a determined pace. If the sense of possibility hits, that’s your signal to move forward, even if you’re only ready to take small steps. Those small steps will be what gets you there in the end.

How do you feed and encourage your own optimism?

What dreams are you ready to expand on?


Whether you’re going for a promotion at work or looking to express yourself in new ways in the spotlight, it’s going to be something you know is right for you based on how it feels. You don’t have to ignore logical thoughts, but you will recognize a yes or no when that inner knowing lands in your body. When your intuition and logic align, confident decisions come more easily.

What does your intuition have to tell you about what you want?

How does that differ or align with what your logic tells you?


Even if you’re not making plans to travel, you’re craving a large-scale exploration of some kind. Your inner world is just as expansive as the outer world. New philosophies, beliefs, magic, knowledge - you’re seeking it, and it’s seeking you too. Whatever kind of journey you’re on, you’re intuition - that felt sense of knowing - will guide you through whatever kind of journey you find yourself on.

What ideas or places feel exciting to explore?

How do these new experiences and ideas challenge your previously held beliefs?


Transforming dreams into reality is no small task. If you’ve hit a roadblock or you’ve exhausted your own resources, reaching out to access assistance from others could be the next step. Maybe you’re ready to take out a loan to move your project forward. Maybe you’re ready to collaborate with someone to expand your reach. Whatever it is that you need, there’s someone waiting to help.

What can others provide for you to reach that next or new goal?

How can you collaborate with others in ways that benefit both parties?


Partnered or not, there’s an urge to find new and deeper ways to connect within your one on one relationships. Sometimes this looks like sharing something with someone, whether that’s an expression of feelings, buying something together, or sharing space. Deep and connective relationships require nurturing through an exchange of honest feelings for them to be able to grow and expand.

In what ways are you ready to expand your relationship with someone else?

What kinds of signals do you receive from others that allow you to open up more?


It’s easy to start feeling trapped inside your routines. Boredom can be useful though, creating daydreams that inspire you to switch things up or add something to your schedule. With your ruler, Venus, moving into your house of one on one relationships, try doing routine things with a partner. Get yourself a gym buddy, or go grocery shopping with your roommate to make your daily chores more fun.

What do your daydreams suggest you do differently in your day to day life?

How can you access a flow state while engaging in your routines?


Experiences of joy and pleasure are some of the most deep and impactful ways we connect with ourselves. These feelings are necessary for many reasons, and it’s time for you to consider how much effort you put in to make damn sure you’re getting enough. If you’ve noticed a lack, try something new. Sometimes we neglect fun when our go-to activities aren’t sparking as much enjoyment as they once did.

What activities encourage a connection with yourself?

How does a connection to yourself help connect you to the rest of the world?


Privacy is often a container of safety, and for the things we keep closest to our hearts. Our homes and our (chosen) families are things we seek for protection, and in turn, we protect them too. Safety and protection are the things that give us the encouragement to grow and dream past what we perceive as limitations because these things help us feel free to do so.

How can you connect more deeply to your roots?

How do your home and chosen family encourage you to find more of what you want and need?


By choice or by necessity, those familiar things around you are experiencing a shift. Maybe you’re creating new neuro-pathways to shift your thought process, or changing the way you communicate to listen a little more than you speak. Maybe it’s your immediate surroundings and how you navigate them, or needing to expand or explore them differently. No matter what it is, you know it because you can feel it.

How can you grow within the space you currently find yourself?

How can you deepen a connection with others through conversation?


After a few years of learning Saturnian lessons, you’re seeing the world quite differently than you did before Saturn entered your sign. Moving forward, you’re values and resources are going to grow and change because you’re realizing how much you yourself have grown and changed. These physical and conceptual assets connect us to reality, but they also give us a place to expand from.

What do you value now that you didn’t before?

How do your values and resources connect you to the greater world around you?


You’re ready to shapeshift again. You can’t help but recognize the potential in everything, yourself included. Things get a little stale if you aren’t imagining all the ways you can morph and blend your old identity with a new one that aligns with your vision of new possibilities. And in this way, you deepen your conscious connection to the energy at the core of yourself.

How will you blend your old self into the new, idealistic version?

Where will this new self take you?

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